Nurture your Palate

Healthy Recipe Modification: Lasagna soup

May 28, 2024

Hi There! 

Check out my healthy, plant based recipe modification of Low Carb Love’s Noodleless Lasagna soup

8 servings (this lasted 2 days for 4 people) This is a great Meal Prep item for dinner or lunch! 

This recipe is dairy free, meat free and totally plant based! 🙂

Watch me make it!


  • 1 lb Beyond Beef ground 
  • 1/2 heaping cup yellow onion 
  • 1/2 heaping cup celery
  • 3 medium zucchini, sliced sandwich or lasagna noodle style 
  • 1 tsp of the following seasonings: garlic powder, crushed red pepper, italian seasoning
  • sea salt and pepper to taste 
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste 
  • 2 large garlic cloves, minced 
  • 1 cup of low sodium vegetable broth 
  • 1 cup of fresh water 
  • One 24 ounce jar of organic low sugar marinara sauce
  • One 8 ounce container of dairy free cream cheese (Kite Hill is my favorite!! ) 

Simplified Directions + NOTES

  1. Add 1 tbsp of coconut or avocado oil to a heavy bottom pan or large soup pot. With Beyond Meat ground you may not necessarily need the extra oil because it contains coconut or avocado oil depending on the type you purchase 
  2. Add in Beyond Meat ground, onion, and celery to pot. Break up plant meat and let cook until plant meat is browned and the onion is translucent and the celery is softened. 
  3. Add seasonings
  4. Stir in tomato paste 
  5. Add marinara 
  6. Add  veggie broth and water 
  7. Bring soup to a Boil
  8. Add in plant based cream cheese or plant based ricotta (Kite Hill is my favorite brand!)
  9. Stir in Zucchini noodles. 
  10. Let soup simmer for 5-7 mins or until zucchini noodles are softened not mushy 

*I recommend using fresh, organic, and non-GMO ingredients for this recipe to get the most optimal nutritional results. If you can’t get it all organic, no worries, just try avoiding the GMOs.

*If you want to use animal protein in this meal, opt for the organic, grass fed variety

*If I were to make this recipe again, I would have added my celery and onion in as I was browning the Beyond Meat. Also note, I don’t recommend using processed meat substitutes often, however, in this meal the taste of the Beyond Meat really helped to capture the essence of a true lasagna soup. I don’t recommend eating the Impossible brand plant based meat as it is made with genetically modified soy ingredients at the time of me writing this post. As a Functional health coach and nutrition specialist I cannot support genetically engineered or bioengineered food ingredients at this time.

Thanks for reading, and remember to Choose Life & Live!



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