Nurture your Palate

What do you want your health for?

January 23, 2024

I’m writing on this topic today because I feel it is important for me to pose this question to you in the 1st month of 2024, so that you can strive towards the HEALTHIEST VERSION OF YOURSELF THIS YEAR! YOU ARE IMPORTANT, and I want to encourage you to live a lifestyle that promotes wellness and holistic health at every stage and phase of your life. In our society, reactive approaches to health and symptom management are the norm. 

Getting ahead of an illness, sickness, or unease in the body is often not the norm and so we are often left with reactive solutions to health and health maintenance. The issue with this is that once an issue gets to the point of needing immediate solutions, getting to the root cause in the first place often takes a backseat. This isn’t good because if the origin of the problem is not addressed it can resurface. All health concerns and symptoms stem from a root. 

Have you ever personally assessed what could be the root cause of some of the health concerns or health habits you wish to change? 

It is important to me as a functional health coach to encourage you to always look at yourself as a “whole” human being so that you don’t reduce a symptom or negative health effect you may be experiencing to an isolated incidence. Before a symptom or issue shows up in your life, it has been brewing beneath the surface for some time. With this being said, sometimes and most times you have to go deeper than the surface to get to the root of what could be ailing you. 

You can decide today whether or not to begin assessing or addressing some things you think could be roots to what you are experiencing. You may want to brainstorm some ways that you can begin charting a path of course correction or adjustment to suit you in this season of life. In this process you could need the assistance of a health care provider, health coach, fitness coach, and/or nutrition specialist. What would be the ideal members you’d like to have on your personal care team?

As I approach wrapping up this post, I want to ask you again, What do you want your health for?  

Do you want your health so that you can be out of pain? Be an energetic parent? Fulfill your purpose in the earth? Travel? What is your why? 

Once you discover what you want your health for, you can begin charting a course toward a healthier version of yourself. A version of yourself that has healthy roots. 

Instilling healthy habits and breaking bad ones, doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Begin with simple steps. 


  1. If you want to eat healthier, begin by eating real whole foods – foods like what you find on the outer aisles of the grocery store like fresh organic fruits and vegetables. 
  2. If you are wanting to get more rest this year, you will have to adopt a schedule conducive with this goal by deciding a nightly cut off time from work and instilling a healthy night time routine and appropriate bed time. 
  3. If you are wanting to exercise more or incorporate more physical activity in your life. Try setting aside 30 minutes a day to move your body, whether it be walking, a light jog, stretching or pilates, riding a stationery bike or using some exercise equipment in your home.

Stay Tuned for Part 2 of this post where I will give you more detailed steps on how to develop and instill healthy habits little by little.

Take care and Be well this winter season! 

Choose Life & Live,



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